The National Academy for Social Prescribing, Social Prescribing Network and University of Westminster are delighted to announce Access Elemental as a sponsor for the 5th International Social Prescribing Conference on 19th and 20th June.
As the leading digital social prescribing software provider in the UK, Access Elemental is bridging the gap between health, housing, the VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise) sector, education, local government, and prison services. With a range of digital solutions designed to reduce avoidable health inequalities as well as enable the strategy and practice of self-care and independence, Access Elemental ultimately helps social prescribing link workers to improve health & wellbeing outcomes for the individuals they support. Access Elemental continues to deliver efficient, joined-up services for Integrated Care Systems, currently serving a population of 20 million, ensuring citizens have timely access to social prescribing and personalised care services.
In addition to their support of the conference, Access Elemental is also sponsoring the category for Best Children and Young People Social Prescribing Project at the Social Prescribing Awards 2024. Winners will be announced at the conference in June. Nominations for the Social Prescribing Awards are now closed.
Access Elemental are proud to play a role in sponsoring the NASP International Social Prescribing Conference 2024. The conference is one that is always filled with co-production, partnerships, insights, and energy for driving change. It is an opportunity for all stakeholders to share new learnings and outcomes about the programmes they deliver, contributing to improved population health and wellbeing.