Evidence on social prescribing

The International Evidence Collaborative

The International Evidence Collaborative is a platform for anyone with an interest in social prescribing evidence and a network for new partnerships. Together we will support social prescribing policy, practice and research to thrive, by bringing people together to share evidence better. 

Sign up to the collaborative here

The data so far - a snapshot of social prescribing

For every £1 of the £180,000 funding spent supporting vulnerable people, the social prescribing service produced more than £10 of benefits in terms of better health.
The economic impact of social prescribing
A significant (40%) reduction was seen in visits to the GP... It is therefore highly likely that the social prescribing service is having a significant reduction on the number of GP consultations.
The economic impact of social prescribing
Social prescribing, including community-based arts on prescription, can impact wellbeing and self-efficacy, and alleviate pressure on community nursing and community mental health services.
NASP Evidence Note: social prescribing and mental health

The evidence for social prescribing ishere to help you:

  • Access information that you can apply to your work in social prescribing  
  • Understand how social prescribing can contribute to wellbeing, support volunteering, and reduce costs 
  • Feel positive about the benefits of social prescribing, and the robust research behind it 

Contribute your voiceto the evidence for social prescribing

As we build the evidence for social prescribing, we want you to play an active role in the process. This is a dynamic space, with new research underway all the time. If there’s something you’d like to see that would be useful, please tell us. We also welcome feedback on our existing research.

Get in touch

Useful resources

The Social Prescribing Evaluation Toolkit – a guide to demonstrating impact locally by Transformation Partners in Health and Care 


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