15/02/2022 One good thing: 3 ingredients for wellbeing and social prescribing

An Asian man holds saw and cuts a piece of wood in a workshop
Social prescribing activities can help people improve their health and wellbeing

People inspire me, communities inspire me. When we see one good thing, or many good things in our communities, we start to feel hopeful, inspired and more connected, and to believe that change is possible. To bring this together, with the National Academy for Social Prescribing, I launched a social media campaign, #OneGoodThing, to share tips, ideas and to help all of us showcase what individuals and groups can do to make a difference in their local communities.

We saw many examples of this last year, including the Bee Vocal Choir - the Manchester Mental Health Choir, which was established as a creative release for people experiencing mental health challenges. I have seen the brilliant Move It or Lose It, who champion the importance of older people living active healthier and happier lives through exercise. I have seen the incredible work from UK Men’s Sheds who are supporting men’s health and wellbeing through their work.

One feature all these organisations have in common is that their fundamental power is in connecting people together – it is at the heart of everything they do. And it is the power of getting connected, feeling part of something and sharing experiences that brings us a sense of wellbeing, makes our communities stronger and makes us feel good.

These are just a few examples of organisations providing good things for all those participating in their activities. A song, a chat, getting active and connected can be that ‘one good thing’ that helps someone’s journey to change start for them. All these good things can make a huge impact on people’s lives and how they feel.

For me, social prescribing is about three essential ingredients – being connected, one good thing and small steps.

Social prescribing can help transform people’s lives – the power of connection and community empowering each one of us to make positive change in our lives. Check out my video on the power of connecting to find out more.

Read Dr Radha’s next blog in this series


Dr Radha Modgil is a GP, broadcaster, author and Social Prescribing Ambassador. She hosts NASP’s Podcast on Prescription.

Why not connect with NASP on social media or using #OneGoodThing to tell us what small steps you’d like to make to improve your wellbeing.

Dr Radha Modgil

Dr Radha Modgil


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