05/03/2022 Small steps: 3 ingredients for wellbeing and social prescribing

A group of people of varying ages and ethnicities walk and talk together along a sunny wooded path
Taking a walk with friends is a small way to improve your wellbeing

In my first blog in this series, I talked about how, when we see that someone has made improvements to their life, we often forget about all the steps they took, the time they dedicated and the journey they have been on.

We think it’s been a giant leap from zero to 100. All we see is the outcome, but we forget what is under the surface of that change. And these assumptions can be obstacles for us changing something in our lives.

So I wanted to talk about what is under the surface, what ingredients have led to that change, and how many small steps have been taken.

Making changes in our lives is a journey, a series of small steps, sometimes having to pause, stop, or even sometimes feeling we are going backwards. But if we keep going and we keep asking others for support and connection, all these small steps add up and eventually take us more along the direction we wish to go in. And it is in our choices we make each and every minute of the day, all these small steps, that help us feel empowered and to believe things can change and we can feel better, and we can find solutions to problems.

This not only helps our wellbeing in that particular moment, but it also helps us develop trust in ourselves and in others, that when we ask for support, and when we care about ourselves, we can receive it.

And it is that first small step that we take in asking for support or help, or making a different choice, or problem solving that starts us off on that journey. It is that small step that takes us off the zero point and moves us forward.



Dr Radha Modgil is a GP, broadcaster, author and Social Prescribing Ambassador. She hosts NASP’s Podcast on Prescription.

Why not connect with NASP on social media or using  to tell us what small steps you’d like to make to improve your wellbeing.

Dr Radha Modgil

Dr Radha Modgil


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