02/03/2023 How to get started with co-production in social prescribing

In 2022, the National Academy for Social Prescribing and the Co-Production Collective brought together a working group to share experiences and reflect on the role and value of co-production in making social prescribing effective and meaningful. 

The group was made up of people from across the social prescribing movement, including link workers, researchers, health workers and people with lived experience. 

In a series of workshops the group looked at:

  • What co-production looks like in the context of social prescribing
  • What co-production means within the sector
  • What the key ingredients are for successful co-production
  • How to go about it
  • What the benefits are for working in this way

The outcome of these discussions is a document introducing co-production in social prescribing, aimed in particular at at anyone currently working in social prescribing looking for ways to make their work more effective. 

How To Get Started With Co Production In Social Prescribing
A mixed race women meets with a doctor
Key ingredient is the human factor, compassion, thinking outside the box, trust, kindness - with a view to making it as good as possible as an offer


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