A group of children of varying ethnicities walk through a forest path with two teachers

15/01/2024 Social Prescribing for young people: a guide to support Primary Care Networks

This guide explains how Primary Care Networks can use Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme funding to recruit specialistLink Workers that work with young people

The National Academy for Social Prescribing recognises the importance of guiding Primary Care Networks in implementing social prescribing interventions for young people.

That is why we have published this guide, with lead author Dr Helen Jones, on how to recruit Social Prescribing Link Workers specialising in supporting young people, including through Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) funding.

With many link workers only supporting people aged 18 years and above, there is a substantial gap in service provision for young people. ARRS funding can be used flexibly within the NHS England guidance to offer specialist roles that can support the health and wellbeing of young people.

The mechanisms to recruit a Children and Young People’s Social Prescribing Link Worker includes:

  • Upskilling existing youth workers to take on new roles as link workers while working towards the NHS England link worker competency framework.​
  • Recruiting a link worker with a focus on children and young people, ensuring they meet roles and responsibilities as set out in the link worker competency framework.

This guide builds on the growing evidence base supporting social prescribing for young people.

It supplements the Children and Young People’s social prescribing toolkit published by Streetgames and South West Integrated Personalised Care Team.


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