In this episode, Dr. Radha Modgil discussing the healing power of heritage with three guests.
Suzannah Lipscomb has enjoyed a varied career. She is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Roehampton and a well-known TV historian. She has presented series on Channel 5, Netflix and the BBC, hosts Not Just The Tudors, an award-winning podcast, as well as being the author of five books about the sixteenth century. With Dr. Radha, Suzannah discusses how heritage can help maintain your mental health.
Our second guest, Desi Gradinarova, is the Senior Policy Adviser for Wellbeing & Inclusion at Historic England and the Historic Environment Lead at NASP. Desi has a PhD in Medieval British History, and has worked in both education and media.. Desi is passionate about the power of heritage to connect individuals and communities, but recognises that people and organisations need support to help them unleash this benefit.
Thirdly, Katrina Gargett will join Dr. Radha. Katrina is the Community Engagement Officer at the York Archaeological Trust and runs the Archaeology on Prescription project. This aims to improve the wellbeing of York’s residents through archaeology, by helping them foster new social connections and build confidence by learning new skills.