In July 2020, Environment Secretary George Eustice announced a £5.77 million investment for a cross-government Green Social Prescribing project, funded by Treasury and core partners, aimed at preventing and tackling mental ill health through green social prescribing.
The aim of the two-year project was to test how to embed green social prescribing into communities in order to:
• improve mental health outcomes
• reduce health inequalities
• improve connectivity with the health system in order to reduce demand on the health
and social care system
• develop best practice in making green social activities more resilient and accessible
The ‘test and learn’ phase of the funded Green Social Prescribing Project ran from April 2021 to the end of March 2023. During this time, over 8,500 people benefited from green social prescribing.
This practice report shares some of the key learning from practice that took place during the test and learn programme, in the seven test and learn sites.