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Webinar: Exploring the Extension Phase (2024-2025) of the National Cross Government Programme: Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill-Health through Green Social Prescribing
Parkrun Practice: Transforming Lives Through Movement and Volunteering
NASP announces Sir Sam Everington as Patron
Faith and social prescribing webinar
Gardening and horticulture to improve wellbeing
Professor Kamila Hawthorne appointed Chair of NASP
Heritage for Wellbeing: connecting people to place through social prescribing
How to become a Social Prescribing Link Worker
NASP welcomes inclusion of social prescribing in the new NHS guidance for Neighbourhood Health
Social prescribing and faith groups: new report
NASP webinar: Community-led Social Prescribing - Lessons from Big Local and Beyond
NASP webinar: Learning from Phase One of the National Cross Government programme: Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill-Health through Green Social Prescribing