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Archaeology on Prescription 
Archaeology on Prescription is a new scheme that engages local people in York with archaeology. Participants work at a real-life dig with professional archaeologists. Organiser, Katrina Gargett, who is Community Engagement Office at the York Archaeological Trust, says:
“It’s been amazing in terms of the impact on participants. They love the camaraderie of being on site, and they have built new social connections. It really has been a joy to witness their wonder at discovering something new — something nobody has touched for centuries. A lot of them have told us it’s the highlight of their week, and I think it has had a profound impact for some of them in terms of starting to overcome the struggles they had before.”

Somers Town Museum, London, “A space for us” 
“People share stories with me of their lives and they just want to be heard – some want to volunteer and make a difference, some would like the opportunity to be more creative, improve their physical fitness, connect with nature, preserve their community, or reignite the lost artiste inside themselves. The History Club is an amazing place to explore this, bringing people together across generations sharing their stories.” – Heather Allen, Social Prescribing Link Worker