Supporting people living with dementia through music
The Power of Music Fund 
The Power of Music Fund was kicked off in early 2023 with 100 grants of £1000 to support dementia choirs and singing groups that were struggling to keep going due to rising costs. Later that year, the fund opened to a 2nd cohort of grantees, offering multi-year small grants to an additional 70 hyper local organisations delivering music activities for people living with dementia. These activities will benefit over 5500 people whilst championing innovators and best practice in the field, as well as focusing on areas of high need. These groups will form part of our national network for Music and Dementia and we will work with them over the course of the 3year fund to evaluate, grow and share learning with others.
Following an application process, the first Centre of Excellence for Music and Dementia was awarded £500,000 in April 2024 and will work with NASP until 2027 to boost research and create lasting change in the way the health system works with community groups to ensure that many more people living with dementia can benefit in the long term.
By building bridges between the health and social care system and community groups, we can help to take pressure off health and care services and ensure that more people are able to live well with dementia. Through strategic shared investment – drawing on both grassroots and corporate expertise – we intend to create financially stable, easily accessible music for dementia groups for years to come.
The first Centre of Excellence is a partnership led by Manchester Camerata working with the Greater Manchester NHS, The Alzheimer's Society, The University of Manchester, GM Combined Authority and a range of other local VCSE sector partners. It will test new approaches to embedding music as part of dementia care, gather evidence of cost savings for the NHS and local authority, and design new models of care which can be scaled up and spread across the UK.
In Autumn 2024, NASP will open to applications for the establishment of a new Centre of Excellence for Training in Music and Dementia. Supported by the Rayne Foundation, this new Centre will focus on enhancing the health and social care workforce's ability to integrate music into dementia care.
Playlist for Life: personal music for dementia
A personalised playlist is a low-cost and unique tool which can bring joy and highlight the ‘me’ in dementia. From managing symptoms of dementia to strengthening connections with family and carers, a playlist has so many benefits.
Hear from guest speakers at the Power of Music launch event