A woman writes into a notebook while taking part in an online class

22/03/2022 Webinar: Addiction and social prescribing

Addiction is an issue affecting people and their families in communities across the country. Government figures for England show that between April 2020 and March 2021 there were 275,000 adults and 11,000 young people in contact with drug and alcohol services.

It is not only a common, but a complex problem. With 17% of adults entering treatment saying they had housing problems, and 63% saying they needed help with their mental health, these figures suggest that those suffering from addiction need interventions which will do more than simply help with their addiction.

Social prescribing is well placed to help people in need of this kind of support. In this webinar we will explore how social prescribing can connect people with community groups and advice to help them with all aspects of their recovery.

This webinar is for:

  • Anyone involved with social prescribing or addiction support who is interested in finding out more about how the two can work together to support people.
  • You might be from a community or voluntary group, a charity with a focus on helping people with addiction, the NHS, or a local authority.


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